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Understanding keratoconus

For people with keratoconus, the images they see everyday appear as ghostly objects, with hazy shadows and glaring light halos. This progressive disease, which occurs in one out of 1,000 people and often starts in adolescence and early adulthood, often causes double vision and poor night vision. The cause: a defective cornea that over time thins and bulges into a cone-like shape. Without treatment, vision starts to deteriorate to the point that glass or contact lenses are no longer viable. Until recently, the only way to treat keratoconus is with a cornea transplant, an invasive surgical procedure that can take up to six months to restore vision.


How we can help

MEC is a recognized centre of excellence for Corneal Cross Linking, also known as CXL. In this non-invasive procedure, our ophthalmologists cross-link the cornea's collagen fibres by applying Riboflavin drops and UV-A light. The result is a strengthened cornea with significantly greater rigidity, and increased corneal resistance and biomechanical stability. Vision is improved immediately and in many cases, any nearsightedness or astigmatism related to keratoconus is also corrected.

Contact Us Today


P: 1-866-889-8088

F: 1-855-203-1060

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